Gratis Ebook herunterladen , by Marie James
, By Marie James . Ist das Ihre zusätzliche Zeit? Was werden Sie danach tun? Extra- oder Ausfallzeiten zu haben , ist äußerst erstaunlich. Man konnte alles ohne Druck tun. Nun, nehmen wir an , Sie einige Zeit zu befreien , dieses E-Buch zu lesen , By Marie James Dies ist ein Gott Buch ist , dass Sie in dieser Freizeit zu begleiten. Sie werden nicht so schwierig sein , etwas von diesem Buch zu verstehen , , By Marie James Weitere, wird es Ihnen helfen, viel besser Details und Begegnung zu erhalten. Auch haben Sie die hervorragenden Jobs, bewerten Sie diese E-Books , By Marie James wird sicherlich nicht Ihre Meinung hinzufügen.
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, by Marie James

Gratis Ebook herunterladen , by Marie James
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2749 KB
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#107.827 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
I have to say that I’m a huge fan of the Cerebus MC series but if you have any illusions of this being a hero MC series, you need to reconsider. This is the box version of 4 books.*** Desperate Beginnings ***This prequel book is really not a romance in the slightest but it sets the foundation of the 1% MC.This book is the back story if you will. It focuses on Cowboy who ends up having three kids and is the president of the Ravens Ruin MC. He is not a good guy and the MC is into drugs and murder of anyone who crosses them. As a result, his 3 kids all grow up in the dark world and are raised to follow in his footsteps.*** Sins of the Father ***This book is the story of the eldest son, Eric (Lynch) who takes over the MC once his father is no longer able to lead the club. This MC is dark and violent and has few redeeming qualities, but the characters are amazing and loyal, but they are rough around the edges.Now that Lynch is in charge, he is trying to manage the club in his own way. That is not to say they are now angels…in fact he is living the life his father taught him minus the self-destructive behavior. Things chance once his baby sister, Molly, comes home from college with her friend Zoe (Candi). Turns out that Zoe has no clue what she is getting herself into but once Lynch sees her, he won’t let her go. Not that he will ever admit that to himself or anyone, but eventually he comes around.Can’t wait to see what comes next with Briar and Molly.*** Luck of the Devil ***This is the story of the Molly, the club princess and the daughter of Cowboy. This MC is dark and violent and has few redeeming qualities, but the characters are amazing and loyal, but they are rough around the edges.Now that Lynch is in charge, he is trying to manage the club in his own way. He ensures that Molly is completely off limits by any club member. The only problem is that she doesn’t want a nice guy as this life is the only one she has ever known. She and Briar, the VP, have a connection but he knows that they can’t be together. Not only because her brothers would kill him without a second thought, but he isn’t a nice guy and she deserves a nice guy.Eventually she ensures that Briar can’t ignore her any longer, but will he stick around to claim her?Can’t wait to see what comes next with TJ and his secrets.*** Dancing with the Devil ***This is book 4 and is the story of the TJ who has been portrayed as a dark character in the prior books. This MC is dark and violent and has few redeeming qualities, but the characters are amazing and loyal, but they are rough around the edges.TJ is the enforcer of the club and he loves his blade. He had a very traumatic childhood which has led to him being a cold individual. He crosses paths with Kaci when she is in the middle of a life of self destruction. He becomes like a guardian angel to her, but will they be enough for each other?I loved this book the most I think because it was the darkest in the series do far. There are definitely moments that could be triggers, but I loved the way the events shaped the characters.Hero 5 | Heroine 5 | Plot 5 | Writing Style 5 | Steam 4 | Romance 2 | Angst-Suspense 4 | Darkness 5 | Humor 1 | Secondary Characters 4 | Drama-Conflict 4 | Mystery 4 | Twists 4 | Action 5 | Pacing Steady | Dual POV | MF | MC | Dark | Overall 4.5 Stars#MSBB
Desperate Beginnings: is the short prequel to the Ravens Ruin MC Series. While I read the first two books in the series first, this was an excellent story to give me insight into the past; both the characters and the MC. I wouldn't say this was a romance story, but it does add a great deal of understanding for the reader. Having known what I know now, I would have loved to read this story first. I encourage new readers to just that: read in order. This story explains so much in not only the actions of the next books but also the mentality of some of the characters. I think it does a brilliant job of explaining questions and setting the scene and mood for the rest of the series. A must read for this series.Sins of the Father: 4.5 stars. Great first book in a series. I loved how unique each character was, even the secondary character were well written. I am excited to read more. I liked the way the characters interacted and how they created their families. I did think that the main relationship was a bit weak in places and was expecting a stronger ending. I felt like there was so much push when they finally decided to be together, it felt weak and resigned rather the passionate and hot. Over all a wonderful read and I will be reading the next in the series.Luck of the Devil: 3.5 stars because of Molly. I enjoyed the first half of the book the best, as Briar was awesome. I loved his character and really felt his devotion. The book was amazing except for one issue: Molly. Molly (even as compared to her character in the last book) was weak and different. She comes across as childish, winey and wimpy, her spunk is gone. The second half of the book is worse for her character. She grew up in the MC she knows how it works, so why is she asking, action and talking like she doesn't get it? There is even a point when one of the lady hang around has to put her in her place. That was when I lost all respect for her as a strong women. She didn't act like the MC Princess, she acted like a spoiled child. Bummer. The only thing that I felt from her was her love for Briar. I liked everything else about this book, but when one of the two main characters doesn't work fir ne, it lessens the entire story. I do look forward to TJ's story and hearing more about everyone at this MC. Even the Professor!Dancing with the Devil: While as a fan I feel bittersweet about this series ending, I honestly believe that it goes out with a bang so to speak. I would highly recommend reading the series book sin order so that you can get the full impact of this story. I have been dying, and I do mean DYING to get TJ story from the very beginning. There are so many questions I had about him, his live, his mental health (LOL) that I just could not wait to read about him and this story vindicated my wait! TJ is my new book husband and I am forever in love with him! Ugggg, I cannot get enough, I just want to ramble on and on like a weird character stalker… This author has a way of writing a story that is both absorbing and enthralling at the same time. I loved the way she wove the characters story with the club and how these two loves came to be. I loved how Kaci was the opposite of TJ yet also his balance in life. With the extremes that TJ is I don’t think I could have loved him nearly as much if he didn’t have Kaci as his stability.The best for last? Well that might be true here (thought the entire series is so fantastic) and I hope this author allows the readers back into this world in the future. Like maybe a guest visit in another story… I had the extreme pleasure of receiving this series ARC and I am leaving my honest review. If you love MC romance check out this story and this entire series!
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